Bộ sách American Textbook Reading – Science thầy Brian Stuart giảng dạy trên youtube về khoa học và xã hội
Sách này đặc biệt rất phù hợp với các bạn học tương đương với trình độ tầm A2. Minh theo dõi rất nhiều bé 2014 làm và học theo bộ sách này rất tốt luôn.
Link video thầy dạy được up trên youtube các bạn nhé:
American Textbook Reading Grade 1 Science
Part 1 Life Science
1. Parts of Plant: https://youtu.be/cBvV5t_YRQM
2. Life Cycle of a Plant: https://youtu.be/nCktNxwt5L0
3. What Plants Need to Grow: https://youtu.be/arj7CI0NUrU
4. Types of Animals: https://youtu.be/c-2EYsOl4rA
5. Body Parts of Animals: https://youtu.be/IQbBqn4E68o
6. Where Animals Live: https://youtu.be/47hSAqmb5vE
Part 2 Earth Science
7. Land and Water: https://youtu.be/BWri4Bcf6B8
8. How Does Earth Change?: https://youtu.be/LB2N8SkmkdA
9. Natural Resources: https://youtu.be/lf0Hkng-Jlc
10. Rocks and Soil: https://youtu.be/3cCMkZXm4Ts
Part 3 Physical Science
11. Saving Natural Resources: https://youtu.be/PxasHbbPK1s
12. Matter and Senses: https://youtu.be/Z922FqIAOyU
13. Observing Matter: https://youtu.be/XhVWf_dp3Hw
14. Solid, Liquid, Gas: https://youtu.be/SPT5g9lFXGo
15. Matter and Its Changes: https://youtu.be/bshhIUYZq0E
American Textbook Reading – Science 2 Books
Part 1 Life Science
01 What Animals Need to Grow: https://youtu.be/saVLZJQyiLc
02 Living Things vs Nonliving Things: https://youtu.be/XWyTndOCzSg
03 Adaptations for Survival: https://youtu.be/serA5khGRvM
04 The Human Life Cycle: https://youtu.be/feTaVkZr5K4
Part 2 Earth Science
05 Weather: https://youtu.be/jikceF3EElE
06 Measuring the Weather: https://youtu.be/phSYNiOzmec
07 Clouds and Rain: https://youtu.be/-siA4xjtiyY
08 Seasons: https://youtu.be/Uwk69VA0b0M
09 The Sky: https://youtu.be/NPjYVqjGk2Y
Part 3 Physical Science
10 Heat: https://youtu.be/WKFot38PFBg
11 Light: https://youtu.be/lifu9RIpLgw
12 Sound: https://youtu.be/ezMdZ4rZIjA
13 Electricity: https://youtu.be/F25bDrYk5KU
14 Motion: https://youtu.be/d2TIFSpUSSY
15 Magnets: https://youtu.be/AhI2KFMRyGw